What Benefits Do I Feel from Eating a Whole Plant-Based Diet and How to Start?

7 years ago I began a new chapter in my life by changing my lifestyle and my habits. I quit eating all animal products e.g. meat, dairy (cheese, milk, kefir, yogurt), fish and became fully vegan. I was born in Lithuania, and the Lithuanian traditional food consists of a lot of meat and dairy, therefore I knew it was not going to be easy for my family and friends to accept or be comfortable with my new choice of lifestyle.

In the beginning it was a slow transition, but the more I educated myself, the more I was convinced that this is the right way to go. As of today, with 7 years experience living on a whole plant- based diet, I am confident in my knowledge concerning its nutritional value and life enhancing benefits.

Concerning digestion and acid reflux, when I began on a plant-based diet, I noticed I was going to the toilet regularly, in fact everyday - but when I used to consume animal products, I only would poo:) twice in the week.

What improved also was my skin, it became naturally moisturised. Before I used to have a dry skin condition, all chalky and itchy, but thanks to a whole plant-based diet these conditions cleared up. Another thing, being on my new life-changing diet, is that felt I had more energy. And so getting up in the morning became really easy, as my body felt well rested, all ready to start off my day doing with some exercise.

I also recall how everyday, before making the transition to being plant based, how I used to suffer from an inflamed knee that pained all the time (due to an old volleyball injury), but as a result of me switching my diet, the swelling became drastically reduced, and I’ve never felt it pain since. Because being on a plant-based diet provides me with all the vitamins and minerals I need, I never have my body asking for snacks or comfort food, as all my cravings for chocolate, alcohol, refined carbs have gone.

If you’re ready to feel empowered and back in control of your health, to book a session with me and let’s chat about how some bespoke diet and lifestyle changes can help you flourish this year.

Thank you.


Are you ready to get rid of physical cravings too?


Foods to Eat on a Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Diet.